Lean Thinking

Learn what Lean Thinking means and how you can use Lean in your own work in a 2-day interactive and practical training. After the training, you will look at your working environment from a whole new perspective and you will also have the tools to improve it.

Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking is a business methodology that allows you to improve operations and processes by eliminating unproductive activities (waste). Lean Thinking helps to improve customer satisfaction and quality while increasing efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Lean Thinking
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Lean Thinking
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2 days


Test 3


Test 4



No prerequisites




PRICE, € (excluding VAT)

Lean Thinking

Who is the training suitable for?

The training is suitable for people who want to learn how to improve business processes based on Lean thinking. After the training, participants will be prepared to lead Lean improvement projects in their own organisation according to a detailed plan developed during the training.

Content of the Training

The training consists of the theory of Lean thinking and its application in practice. During the training you will learn, for example.

  • The 5 basic principles of lean: value, value chain, flow, pull and pursuit of perfection
  • Various Lean techniques, e.g. 5S, Value Stream Mapping "VSM", 8 forms of waste, bottlenecks, pacing, process balancing, WIP, Kanban, Poka-Yoke, A3 process improvement and visual process control.
  • A step-by-step Lean model and how you can easily put it into practice in different processes.

The training is built around a Lean simulation. As the simulation progresses through the training, you will learn more tools and can practice them right away during the training.

Programme of the training days

Day 1:

09.00 Opening and morning coffee

09.30 Lean Thinking I: Basic principles of Lean thinking, Lean model for process improvement, objectives, description and analysis of the current situation

  • The basics of lean: what, why, when?.
  • 5-step Lean model & different Lean tools for each step
  • Defining the objective of a Lean improvement project and defining the project scope
  • Description of the process value chain and waste analysis
  • Discussion & video example of process improvement

11.30 Lunch

12.15 Simulation, part 1

  • Participants will practice together the Lean Thinking I lessons of the morning: process status, performance, process description and value stream analysis.

14.00 Coffee break

14.15 Lean thinking II: Process Improvement

  • "Continuous flow" in process improvement (e.g. Work in Process, bottleneck analysis, pacing, process balancing)
  • How to improve the process with Pull (e.g. Kanban cards, measuring cycle efficiency and process control)

15.15 Simulation, part 2

  • Applying Lean II to the simulation process: Creating continuous flow and Pull process.

16.00 Closing

Day 2:

08.30 Morning coffee and recap training

09.30 Simulation, part 3:

  • Piloting changes and continuous improvement

10.30 Lean thinking III: Striving for perfection

  • Creating a culture of continuous improvement (eliminating the potential for errors through "Mistake Proofing", measuring process performance, visual management)
  • Lean in day-to-day management

11.30 Lunch

12.15 Kaizen

  • Lean quickly into practice: Kaizen, what it is and how to use it to achieve results in just a few days.
  • Kaizen example: How to improve lead time in an office environment by 90% in five days while improving job and customer satisfaction

14.00 Coffee break

14.15 Lean in your work environment

  • An instructor-led discussion on how participants can apply the lessons of the training in their own companies.

15.30 Summary and award of Lean certificates

16.00 Closing

Participants will receive training materials in a digital learning environment. They will also receive a model for implementing Lean thinking in their own work environment after the training.

Customer testimonials

Experiences of previous participants:

"Thank you for the good practical examples. There was plenty of theory and a nice group. Interactive teaching :). The material was excellent!", Sanna Ojanen.

Read more about customer experiences:

Why this training?

Why choose Jaatinen B.V. as your trainer?

The instructor is certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt: DI Marja Jaatinen-van der Harst. Marja has years of experience in international companies to Finnish SMEs in industry, various service sectors and the public sector.

Examples of our strengths:

  • Clarity: All the lessons of the training are linked to clear steps on how to proceed with process improvement, making it easier to use the material also after the training.
  • Practicality: the lessons of the training are immediately applied in the participants' own environment.
  • Efficiency: because we focus only on the essentials and practice a lot, we can offer efficient and compact trainings at low cost.

Find out more about our training style: Our training style.

Duration, time and place

Duration, time and place

The training lasts for two days. We organize the training as in-company training, where we tailor the training according to the customer's needs.

If you are interested in learning more about training or our other Lean services, please contact us or read more about Lean training.

Request a quote

Request a quote

We organise training as corporate training, where we tailor the training to the client's needs. If you are interested in a quote or to find out more about training or any of our other Lean Six Sigma services, please contact us: Contact us

Practical learning with a top expert.

Our trainings offer you more than a traditional course:


The learnings have been structured into clear steps so that you know exactly how to proceed.


The teachings of the training are immediately applied to the participants' own work environment, strengthening learning and its practical usefulness.


By focusing on the essentials and offering plenty of practical exercises, we can offer effective and concise training at an affordable price.