Customer Experience: Open Green Belt Training
Sanna Korpivaara, Operations Manager, Laattapiste Oy, participated in our open Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training, which was held entirely remotely.
Tell us about yourself?
"I have a degree in Business Administration and a major in Marketing and Sales Management. I work at Laattapiste Oy in the role of Operations Manager, developing sales support processes and tools. At Laattapiste, sales support processes include contract management, pricing, productisation, product information management, communication and brand and product marketing processes. In my rewarding role, I strive to make everyday life run smoothly in all aspects, by developing and streamlining both the communication and the way of doing things. The need for improvement can come from business needs as well as the desire of employees to do things differently or achieve better results."
Why did you choose Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training?
"I had been thinking for a while about how to get extra support for my work through my studies. The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training was the answer to exactly what I needed to support me in my work. As development needs arise in our organisation, I needed to learn how to prioritise them and how to choose the most important development project to work on. I also needed a structure to guide all the development projects through, to support the organisation in the constant flow of change. Most importantly, I wanted to learn how to use data to support development work."
What is your experience of GB training?
"I took part in the training entirely remotely. It was a perfect fit for learning, as everyone else took part in the course in the same way. The teaching was still varied and the material and the different distance learning tools were used fluently and in different ways. The training was excellently paced and the other etiquettes of distance learning were also well taken into account. The training days remained intensive and rewarding from start to finish, without unnecessary time spent travelling and moving around. This was definitely my preferred way of learning!"
Would you recommend this training to others?
"I warmly recommend the training to anyone interested in Lean improvement and/or data-driven process interpretation. Lean Six Sigma is the perfect package to support effective and targeted development, moving away from gut feelings to real data! Everything in Jaatinen's course was explained comprehensively, with theory and practice alternating in a balanced manner. The course material was understandable and easily applicable to support my own project work. The studies also included useful tools for everyday life, interpersonal communication, and facilitating change processes, with a lot of emphasis on soft skills tools. In addition to a good process, when things need to work effectively with real people in real-life situations."
Do you have any other comments?
"It's rewarding to be learning from someone with solid practical experience on top of theories. Marja Jaatinen truly possesses that. The engaging teaching style also helped to hear about the working methods of others and the diverse backgrounds of both students and representatives from various companies in the group, making the learning experience even more rewarding. The training left a good atmosphere, and I genuinely gained insights for both my personal use and for the company I work for in everyday life!"